Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Tuesday Teaser--Mark of the Bear


Hades' Carnival, book 2 Kellsie Morris knows her career as a Hollywood scream queen won’t last forever. Luckily, she’s just landed a big role in a movie about an immortal, shape-shifting warrior trapped in a carnival run by the Devil’s minions. When the carousel bear on set shifts into a flesh and bone bear of a man, Kellsie starts to question reality. When Marko is released from the curse that has kept him trapped in his animal form and lays eyes on Kellsie, he knows with every fiber of his being that his purpose is now to protect her no matter what. But there’s no predicting the Devil’s next move in this game. Hades is determined to get his revenge on the escaped warrior, and going after Marko’s mate is seems like the perfect plan. TEASER: Strong hands rested on her shoulders and she jerked away, heart pounding heavily in her chest. Where was she and who the hell was this? She blinked hard but couldn’t see much beyond a large male shape. A quick inventory of her body assured her she wasn’t hurt and she was fully clothed, which was a very good sign. “Who the hell are you?” Maybe it wasn’t smart to antagonize this unknown man, but Kellsie didn’t care. She needed to find out what was going on. Her last memory was of riding the carousel, of it going way too fast. Spinning. Spinning. Spinning. She swallowed hard. It was making her sick simply thinking about it. “I’m Marko.” His voice was little more than a dark rumble that sent a shiver racing down her spine. And it wasn’t due to fear. Now that was totally stupid. How could she physically react to a man she didn’t know and couldn’t even see. “That doesn’t tell me much.” He shifted slightly and she scooted away, her back coming to rest against a cool surface. She put out her hand and touched it. Hard with sharp edges. Now that the shock of waking was wearing off, she was noticing other things as well. The ground was hard beneath her butt. The air was cool and fresh. As if on cue, an owl hooted. She was in a damn cave in the woods. “How did I get here? And where is here?” Damn it, she needed answers and she needed them now. “Don’t be afraid.” Again his sorcerer’s voice wrapped around her. She wanted to crawl closer to the source, which was a totally stupid idea given the situation, so she went on the offensive. “Is this someone’s idea of a joke? Did the crew put you up to this?” Had they slipped something into her food or drink to make her pass out? If they thought to frighten her with this little prank they were sorely mistaken. All those years of working gruesome movie sets had made her immune. Heck, if that hadn’t done the trick, then living in L.A. all these years certainly would have. She knew how to defend herself if it came to that. Not that she thought it would. After all, she was supposed to star in the lead role of this movie. They needed her hale and hearty.

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