Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Halloween Countdown Day 12--HEART OF THE SERPENT

The Hades' Carnival series was intended to be 4 books, but after I wrote Howl of the Wolf I knew I wasn't done. I had to know what happened to the others, so I wrote 3 novellas to finish off the series.

Mordecai has been around since the very first book, but even I wasn't always quite sure where his loyalties lay. He's a very complex and fascinating character.

Heart of the Serpent

Hades’ Carnival, Book 5


After being trapped in his animal form for centuries by a curse, freedom is new and almost uncomfortable for shape-shifting warrior Mordecai. He did his time in Hell, and it left a stain on his soul and strained his ties with his fellow warriors.

Jessica enjoyed the easy friendship she had with Mordecai, but he’s grown as distant as the stars lately. Still, it’s impossible to stay away from him, and she’s sure he feels that irresistible pull, too.

Mordecai knows Hades can’t get to him physically, but although he might try to deny it, he knows he has a weak spot. Jessica. Worried that Hades could hurt her to get to him, Mordecai’s tried to keep his distance, but there’s no stopping this kind of connection.


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