Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Saturday!

Welcome to the Weekend!

It's rainy and foggy here this morning. Cold too. Not quite sure what I'm going to do today. I may do some research for a book I need to rewrite. I may go out to the bookstore later.

Whatever I do, I intend to make this a cozy day.

What are your plans for today?


Charlene Teglia said...

Cozy day sounds nice! Here it's laundry, kids, writing. Typical day.

Anny Cook said...

Hotter than you know where here. We went shopping for tomato plants for the balcony. I could have used a cozy day!

N.J.Walters said...

Good luck with laundry, kids and writing, Charli!

I could use some heat, Anny. A balcony garden sounds lovely. I get way too much wind here. After several years of having everything destroyed, I gave up trying to have a balcony garden.

Anny Cook said...

The thing about Baltimore is which direction your balcony is facing. Ours is North west so when the wind come howling out of the southwest our stuff is protected. Actually, we have almost a perfect location. So we'll see if the tomatoes will grow out there!

If not, the house hunk will take them inside.