Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's All In The Way You Look At It!

Writing is such a strange profession. A writer gets paid to make up stories or to retell old ones with a twist.
I know several writers have used the Little Red Riding Hood theme to great effect--Little Red and the Wolf by Anison Paige and The Howl and the Pussycat by Ann Cory spring to mind.
And, of course, there is the wolf shapeshifter theme where the wolf can be bad, but he can also be very, very good too. *g* Tall, dark and sexy.
I've been writing a lot of wolves this year and my next werewolf book is Isaiah's Haven, which is releasing on August 3rd from Samhain Publishing. I almost have book 3 ready to submit.
Fortunately, my heroine doesn't have a red hood or a bazooka, but she can kick some butt when needed.
Have a great Wednesday!


Unknown said...

Do they at least growl?:-)

Shelley Munro said...

Sigh - I do love a wolf book. I'm writing one at the moment. There must be something wolfish going around. :)

N.J.Walters said...

LOL They certainly do growl, Kat.

N.J.Walters said...

Me too, Shelley. Wolves are just too fassinating to be ignored.