Thursday, September 28, 2006

Banned Books Week

Today is one of those days where I really don't have anything specific to blog about, but I did want to mention that this is banned books week.

It's strange to think that in this day and age that people still want to ban books. That is the point of freedom. The freedom to choose what we read, what we watch and what we say. Do I like all books? No, not particularly, but I do respect other people's rights to read whatever they want.

Parents do have the responsibility to know what their children are reading and to limit it accordingly, but that does not give them the right to choose literature for someone else's child. Belief systems, culture and lifestyles play a large roll in the choice of books.

Whatever your opinion, if you want to know more, just check out their website at .


N.J.Walters said...

I know a lot of other authors have been posting about this subject this week. It is an interesting question and I guess the best thing is for everyone to have an informed opinion. :-)


N.J.Walters said...

It's a big issue for authors, Jennifer. I think it's important for everyone to have an opinion on the subject.